Tips on how to help a hoarder

When facing a hoarding situation, there are simple yet effective tips that will help hoarder overcome their condition.

Tips on How to help a hoarder


  • Learn the importance of listening without judgment to encourage open communication.
  • Discover how patience plays a crucial role in supporting a hoarder during their recovery process.
  • Explore treatment options like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and the benefits of support groups.

Listen to them

Listen without judgment, so they can express difficult thoughts and feelings. Instead of offering a quick fix, ask questions that help them organize their thoughts in a way that motivates them to ask for help.

Be patient with them

While it can be hard to understand why they can’t walk away from a particular object that might seem like junk to you, stay quiet and know that they might not be ready to walk away from objects just yet. Be aware that if they have a compulsive hoarding disorder, the recovery process may take time.

Consider and encourage treatment

If they mention that they want professional help, ask them if they would like your help in choosing a therapist. If they are torn between wanting to seek help and being afraid to talk to a stranger about their issue, offer to go with them to a session or two for moral support.
Remember that the hoarder may not want to undergo treatment. Don’t force them to do it.

Determine treatment alternatives

A common form of therapy for compulsive hoarders is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). It focuses on changing the way of thinking to reduce negative feelings and hoarding behaviours. Hoarders tend to respond well to CBT. Online help and support groups can be helpful in recovery from compulsive hoarding disorders.

We hope these simple yet efficient tips on how to help a hoarder can shed some light on a delicate matter

We are a group of specialists that help declutter and regain hoarded spaces. Please don’t hesitate to contact 1st Hoarding Cleanup.

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